
"The fool doth think he is wise,
but the wise man knows himself to be a fool".


Wednesday, November 03, 2004
Fortunately for me I managed to finish my chapter for last week on the first day of the week, because I was too busy during the rest of the week to even write a single sentence. So, still on schedule! *fingers crossed* Although this week it's going slow, I've not even started this week's chapter and it's already Wednesday!

So I'm quite behind... I won't make excuses, I will finish it...somehow... Last week Tuesday my sister came to visit. She's studying in France these days, so it was nice to get to see her. She stayed until yesterday morning. During her stay I didn't get anything written since I was working during the days and spending the evenings with her.

And now I'm sick *sigh* So now I don't have the energy to write. I hope I will feel better soon, because I really want to stick to my 'chapter-a-week deadline'.

I'm currently considering re-arranging a couple of things in the book to add some tension a bit sooner than previously planned, but I'll have to think about it a little more when my head doesn't feel like it's wrapped in a ball of cotton.

The week with my sister was really nice. We went out to the cinema one evening, did some shopping and had several nice evenings at home with nice food and watching movies. Then we had a Halloween party with some friends which was really nice.

It feels a bit sad that she's left again, but hopefully we'll meet at Christmas when we both go home to visit our family. I just hope I won't run into any problems with getting time off from work.

Anyway, I better get some more rest so that I can get back to work and writing.
4:25 pm :: Emmie :: 0 Comments


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