
"The fool doth think he is wise,
but the wise man knows himself to be a fool".


Saturday, May 07, 2005
Yes, I'm feeling rather guilt ridden right now. No, I haven't murdered someone... It's just that I've done absolutely nothing for my book for over a week and it makes me feel really guilty. I think I'm getting nervous since it's getting close to finished, and it feels like it's not good enough and I have no idea what to do about it.

A critique partner would probably be a very good idea, but I'm not entirely sure how to go about finding one. It's got to be someone who knows what they're talking about of course, and someone you trust.

I have a friend who reads it and comments, but she comments more on if I make a typo or grammar mistake than anything else. She's going to read it again now though that it's almost finished to see how it flows. I'm reading it myself as well but I keep feeling that it's lacking and it terrifies me. I'll ask her to be really cruel and brutal after she reads it this gime... since I really want this book to be good.

Then I also want to just get it done and over with as well... It's a bit of a split feeling. Because I really want to start writing the next manuscript... I've got two characters in my head and their story is just nagging to be written. When I will find the time though I don't know. With a new job and everything I find myself rather short of time. I admire all these authors who manage a family, job and writing all at once. I can barely manage a job and a life.

I guess I should get back to proofreading... But I keep procrastinating since when I'm reading it I keep thinking 'It's crap. It's crap. It's crap.' And I don't know how to stop...
12:38 pm :: Emmie :: 0 Comments


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