Surprise, Surprise

So instead of being able to sit on a nice, comfy couch today, this is my current one...
Lovely, isn't it?
Doesn't it look exquisite? And can you see the lovely colour? No? Oh well... that might be because the covers are stacked in a box somewhere and wrapped in ten layers of plastic!!!
And you know what tops the chart? You have to be two people to put it together. In case you didn't know... I live alone. My family is in another country. Well done, Em! One would think that the furniture store could have warned me. Oh, by the way... We'll send your couch in bite-size.
Fortunately I bought a chair too.. so I have something to sit in. Not the same as crawling up into a nice, comfy couch though...
Ok, going to stop whining now. But I'm still growling... Even if just a little...
Emmie, ((hugs)) I feel for you. What are you going to do now? I get the whole "don't have a couch to sit on" comment at RI *grin*
Who will now become a regular visitor here at Idle Thoughts.
Well, I'm not entirely certain... But I'm leaning towards bribing some unsuspecting friend to come and help me.
I just couldn't believe it when the delivery guys had left. I kind of looked over the room thinking, 'Where's my couch?'
But I'm sure it'll look really good once it's put together... I hope!