Assorted Thoughts
Saturday, November 12, 2005
It's weekend! (which means no work... huzzah!)Today it is exactly six weeks until Christmas. Which really means that Christmas is quite soon... This knowledge fills me with childlike glee and makes me positively giddy. Quite sad one might think, but personally I'm just glad that one can still be happy for such small things.
I went to IKEA today with my sister and they had all of their beautiful Christmas decorations out for sale. I've decided that this year I simply MUST have a little Christmas tree. I can get lots of nice decorations at IKEA and it'll all be going up on December 1st and stay until New Year's! What can I say? I love Christmas and I want to be in the spirit of it as soon as I can.
The other day I went into town to look for a winter coat. I met with less success there than at IKEA. For some reason I couldn't find a single one that I contemplated buying for more than about five seconds (which is what it took me to get a little closer for a good look). The one that I actually thought was ok my sister said was too similar to hers, so I couldn't possibly buy that one. (Hmm...?)
I've reserved tickets to see Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire on opening night. (Which is 23 November, about a week later than the rest of the world... I'm very upset!) I must admit, I'm a huge Harry Potter fan. I buy the books the moment they're out and I watch the movies as soon as I possibly can. If that makes me into an outgrown child, then so be it. (Besides, Jason Isaacs as Lucius Malfoy is very, very ... um, very... sexy.)
I've bought the first five seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer on DVD. (It's a guilty pleasure of mine...) and just started watching them. Very sad the whole Buffy-Angel thing, but I just have to say that Spike is yummy-yummy. (He just arrived in Sunnydale, insane-Drusilla and all.) Oh, and Xander is cute.
Been buying some CDs as well. (I don't know what's gotten into me...)
1. Nickelback - All the Right Reasons
2. Robbie Williams - Greatest Hits
3. Green Day - American Idiot
4. The Corpse Bride (Soundtrack)
5. Pride & Prejudice (Soundtrack)
Status of Synopsis: Still not started. *sigh* I have absolutely no inspiration. Maybe I should just dig a large hole and jump in.