Life Goes On...
Sunday, January 23, 2005
Isn't that another song title? Anyway, I guess that pretty much sums it up. Life does go on... A little more empty and a little sadder (at least for now), but it does go on.
It's been two months since last I wrote something, I just haven't really felt like writing. But, let's see... What's happened since? Well, it's now two months since my boyfriend broke up with me and I'm slowly regaining my balance. I went to Sweden for 1.5 weeks during Christmas and New Year's and it felt very nice to see my family again.
Even with a broken heart I've managed to keep writing on my romance novel, and I can now proudly say that I've written half :) So... Just another 200 pages to go *lol* Slightly terrifying thought, but I hope to make it.
I think what I'm mainly having at the moment is withdrawals. I feel a little lonely every now and then. I miss having someone I can be close to... Being slightly reserved as a person whoever I'm dating is usually my sole source of bodily contact... And I miss that contact. I miss having someone that will allow me to even just be close and cuddle. I miss kissing...
Well... I'm sure you get the point.
Maybe there's a reason many people go for a rebound *lol*