A Bookaholic's Paradise
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Otherwise called a Book Fair...I was at one yesterday, and it was brilliant. What better thing could there be than a huge room filled with discounted books? The most expensive book I bought was $8 and that was a hardcover! (The cheapest was probably about $1.50)
As always I probably went a little overboard. I bought 31 books. But hey, for those prices.. who wouldn't?
I got some Stephen King novels (I like to collect them) as well as a Dee Davis book I had thought about ordering, so that was awesome. Then a few romance novels, lots of fiction and a few classics. On the whole, it was a very good day indeed.
It's a good thing it's only once a year though *lol* I can never catch up on my reading since I keep buying new books.