
"The fool doth think he is wise,
but the wise man knows himself to be a fool".

Just My Luck

Thursday, May 24, 2007
I'm haunted. I'm not joking. I'm seriously haunted by bad luck at the moment. I must have done something really bad to anger the luck fairies or something. And this is all in exception to the whole hitting the wall-depression-quitting my job and moving to Sweden thing...

Let me recount...

A lot of my bad luck seems to stem from my car. Maybe it's cursed.. Maybe it's Christine. Damn you, Stephen King!
12:18 am :: Emmie :: 1 Comments

The puppy is here!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

The day has come (and gone!) and Bailey is in da house!

I picked him up yesterday, and despite the nearly 3-hour drive he didn't complain in the car. Naturally we took some breaks for him, but I would have thought he'd be a bit nervous, but not this little dude!

When arriving back home he got to meet my mom's dog Bella - his bigger sister from a previous litter - and while he was a bit wary at first, he seems to have toughened up considerably today. I'm certain I saw him chase her around!

You can find more information and pictures on Bailey's own blog :)
9:36 pm :: Emmie :: 3 Comments